Sunday Worship Sermon | February 9, 2025
Pastor Courtland Younger

Sunday Worship Sermon | February 2, 2025
Pastor Courtland Younger

Sunday Worship Sermon | January 26, 2025
Pastor Courtland Younger

Sunday Worship Sermon | January 26, 2025
Pastor Courtland Younger

Sunday Worship Sermon | January 19, 2025
Pastor Courtland Younger


Sunday Worship Sermon | January 12, 2025 
Missionary Michelle Hutson and Missionary Evelyn Koroma

Sunday Worship Sermon | December 8, 2024
Pastor Courtland Younger

Sunday Worship Sermon | December 1, 2024
Pastor Courtland Younger


Sunday Worship Sermon | September 15, 2024
Pastor Courtland Younger


Sunday Worship Sermon | August 18, 2024
Pastor Courtland Younger

Sharing from Joshua 3, Pastor Courtland encourages us to believe God for the unimaginable and the supernatural, as he leads us into His promises.
Sunday Worship Sermon | August 11, 2024
Pastor Courtland Younger

Sunday Worship Service | July 21, 2024
Pastor Courtland Younger

What do you do when your brook is dried up? Sharing from Psalm 42:1, we were encouraged to continue to hunger and thirst for the Lord. As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.
Sunday Worship Service | July 14, 2024
Mother Martha Ford

Sharing from Jeremiah 18, we were encouraged to trust the Potter’s vision for who He is creating us to be.
Sunday Worship Sermon | July 7, 2024
Pastor Courtland Younger


Sunday Worship Sermon | June 23, 2024
Elder Carvin Ayers


Sunday Worship Sermon | June 16, 2024
Father’s Day Panel


Sunday Worship Sermon | June 9, 2024
Pastor Courtland Younger 

Pastor Courtland shares a message from Proverbs 10:12. Biblical love is measured in sacrificing for the good of others. We invite you to be encouraged and believe God to minister His Grace to others through love.
Sunday Worship Sermon | June 2, 2024
Pastor Courtland Younger 

What’s in you? Do you see what God sees? Join us for a powerful message from Elder Curtis Wade, encouraging us to stop listening to any voice that doesn’t reflect who God says we are.
Sunday Worship Sermon | May 26, 2024
Elder Curtis Wade

The way we see God may change, but He never changes. The methods and means may change, but He never changes. 
Sunday Worship Sermon | May 5, 2024
Pastor Courtland Younger

Have you been struggling with letting go of your worries? Sometimes, even after attending church and hearing the word, we still find ourselves holding onto our cares. Minister Ray Green encourages us to not just temporarily set them down, but to fully release them and distance ourselves from them. We need to cast it! Cast the worry. Cast the anxiety. The key is to cast all our cares on Him, because He cares about us.
Sunday Worship Sermon | April 28, 2024
Special Guest: Minister Ray Green

Sharing from Psalm 24 – If we are going to be the generation who seeks the Lord, we must understand the rules and the right of way; when to yield, and when to proceed.
Sunday Worship Sermon | April 21, 2024
Special Guest: Evangelist Missionary Deborah Leftridge

Do you have a “But God” in your life? If you look back, you will find that God was with you all along.
Sunday Worship Sermon | April 14, 2024
Special Guest: Mother Dorothy Galloway

Enjoy this Resurrection Sunday Sermon by Pastor David Williams and experience the power of God’s word.
Sunday Worship Sermon | March 31, 2024
Pastor David Williams

Pastor Courtland shares a message from Romans 15:13. We all face life’s difficult challenges, but God is ready to exchange your pain for His peace and His joy. He is the God of Hope!
Sunday Worship Sermon | April 7, 2024
Pastor Courtland Younger

If you knew what was on the other side of your mountain, you would move it! God wants to do so much in your life and God‘s very best might be on the other side of your obstacle or challenges. Let this sermon encourage and challenge you! Your Mountain Needs to Hear Your Voice!
Sunday Worship Sermon | March 24, 2024
Pastor Courtland Younger

We still must obey God even under pressure Don’t allow the pressure to give you an excuse to disobey God.

Sunday Worship Sermon | March 17, 2024

Minister Jarryia Doyle


54th Church Anniversary

Sunday Worship Sermon | March 10, 2024

Pastor Courtland Younger


You can’t go with me. (Genesis 12)

Sunday Worship Sermon | February 25, 2024

Elder Curtis Wade


Pastor Courtland shared a message coming from Ephesians 4.

Sunday Worship Sermon |  February 18 2024

Pastor Courtland Younger


Jesus wants to be our first love. Pastor David Williams shared that God is renewing our minds and encouraged us to make Jesus the center of our lives. To seek first the kingdom of God.

Sunday Worship Sermon | February 4, 2024

Pastor David Williams


Sunday Worship Sermon | January 28, 2024

Elder Carvin Ayers


Our lives are full of choices. From the small things, life-changing things, we make decisions every day. Sometimes we fall short of making “Better Choices “Join Pastor Courtland in the Better Life series.

Sunday Worship Sermon | January 21, 2024

Pastor Courtland Younger


Sunday Worship Sermon | January 14, 2024
Special Guest: Elder Andrae Rodgers

Click for video

Sunday Worship Sermon | January 7, 2024
Pastor Courtland Younger

First things First. if you want to know why you were placed on this planet, you must begin with God. You were born by his purpose and for his purpose.
Sunday Worship Sermon | December 31, 2023
Pastor Courtland Younger

Love compels us to live for Christ and to commit ourselves to Him. Not as someone who is forced but by someone who is motivated by it.
Sunday Worship Sermon | October 1, 2023
Pastor Courtland Younger

Look and see the evidence of a faithful God! (1 Kings 17)
Sunday Worship Sermon | September 17, 2023
Pastor Courtland Younger


Sunday Worship Sermon | September 24, 2023
Elder Curtis Wade

We have a call and responsibility to preserve and purify the world. You are the salt of the earth. Matthew 5:13
GC Worship Service | September 9, 2023
Missionary Michelle Hutson

GC Worship Sermon | August 6, 2023
Pastor Courtland Younger

What is stopping you from saying Yes to the Lord; saying yes to being hired. The harvest is plenty but the laborers are few. The Lord desires to partner with you to accomplish his will. He is standing at the door knocking. Will you allow him in?
GC Worship Sermon | July 2, 2023
Elder Tyrone Weaver

A Father’s Day Message
GC Sunday Worship Sermon | June 18, 2023
Pastor Courtland Younger

Elder Curtis Wade shared a message about the value of redemption. There is value in what you have been going through. God wants you to understand there is value attached to your life.
GC Sunday Worship Sermon | May 28, 2023
Elder Curtis Wade
Friends and Family Sunday

The enemy is playing for keeps and is trying to take out the saints of God. Pastor Courtland called out the lies of the enemy and prayed that the tempter’s hold would be released, bondages would be loosed and minds would be renewed in the name of Jesus. May you see God in the truth of his word. We belong to the Most High God.
GC Sunday Worship Sermon | Pastor Courtland Younger
May 21, 2023 

Pastor Courtland shared a message coming from John 2:1-10 where at a wedding they ran out of wine. He encouraged us that the best is yet to come!
Sunday Worship Sermon | May 14, 2023
Pastor Courtland Younger

Pastor Courtland shares a transparent message this Resurrection Sunday encouraging us that God is still removing stones.
Sunday Worship Sermon | April 9, 2023
Pastor Courtland Younger

At times we don’t feel adequate and may begin to believe that we cannot do what God has called us to do or be. Pastor Williams shared a message coming from the book of Genesis and encouraged us to change our mindset about how we think of ourselves. We are who God says we are!
GC Worship Sermon | April 2, 2023
Pastor David Williams

Special guest speaker Evangelist Mary Jacobs, shared a special message with Gospel Center on Sunday entitled Open your eyes, Shut your Mouth and Live!
Sunday Worship Sermon | March 19, 2023
Special Guest: Evangelist Mary Jacobs

Gospel Center celebrates 53 years of ministry with special guest Pastor Clevester Hines, Jr.
Worship Sermon | March 12, 2023

Pastor Courtland shared a timely and powerful message encouraging us to fully surrender ourselves to God. Sometimes getting to the place of blessing is difficult and if we knew everything that’s included in our yes to the Lord, we might quit before we reach the promise. However, if you just walk taking one step at a time you will find God is with you and will not leave you.
Sunday Worship Sermon | March 5, 2023
Pastor Courtland Younger

Elder Curtis Wade shared a message from Psalm 91: Stay in the Secret Place. He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.  
Sunday Worship Sermon | February 26, 2023
Elder Curtis Wade

Guest speaker Pastor Adam Burke shared a powerful message, God’s Race, God’s Pace. God has a PEACE for you, God has a PACE for you and God has a PLACE for you.
Sunday Worship Sermon | February 19, 2023
Pastor Adam Burke

Although we are always changing, God never changes. Pastor Courtland encourages us to have faith in transition.
Sunday Worship Sermon | February 12, 2023
Pastor Courtland Younger

Life is a test. Character is both developed and revealed by test. (1 Corinthians 10:13) Life is a Trust. The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it belongs to Him. We are stewards of belongs to the Lord. (Psalm 24; Matthew 25:23) Life is a temporary assignment. This life is the introduction to eternity.
Sunday Worship Sermon | January 23, 2023
Pastor Courtland Younger

It is Written
Gospel Center Worship Sermon | January 15, 2023
Pastor Courtland Younger

GC Worship Sermon | December 18, 2022
Courtland Younger

When we read the bible we often first try to find a solution for our problems. But we fail when we have that as a starting point. The starting point is and should always be God. Everything that has a purpose in the earth was created By Him and For Him. He knows your purpose.
Gospel Center Worship Sermon | January 8, 2023
Pastor Courtland Younger

GC Sunday Worship Sermon | December 11, 2022
Special Guest: District Missionary Jewell Johnson

GC Sunday Worship Sermon | December 4, 2022
Carvin Ayers

Full GC Sunday Worship Service | November 27, 2022
I am my brother’s Keeper
Elder Curtis Wade

GC Full Sunday Worship Service | November 6, 2022
Pastor Courtland Younger

GC Sunday Worship Sermon | November 13, 2022
Pastor Courtland Younger

GC Full Sunday Worship Service | October 30, 2022
Youth Day
Speaker: Jarryia Davis

GC Full Sunday Worship Service | October 23, 2022
We are the Church
Pastor Courtland Younger

Sunday Worship Service | October 9, 2022
Pastor Courtland Younger

Some things have to die so we can see God!
Sunday Worship Service | October 2, 2022
Pastor Courtland Younger

Do you know who you are?
GC Full Worship Service | September 25, 2022
Guest Speaker: Elder Shawn Dennis

God honors your faith and action. Believe and be made whole.
Sunday Worship Sermon | September 18, 2022
Clarissa Wade

Gospel Center Full Worship Service | A Love the Conquers
September 11, 2022
Pastor Courtland Younger

God will work it out! And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
Today we joined with over 1000 preachers all teaching from the same text: Romans 8:28. 8:28 on 8/28!
Sunday Worship Sermon | August 28, 2022
Pastor Courtland Younger

Elder Elton Thomas shares a personal testimony and encourages us all that Victory is in our praise.
Sunday Worship Sermon | August 21, 2022
Elton Thomas

It is the Spirit of God that has come to give life and aid his children as they learn to endure hard tests and trails that come to make us strong. God is building His kingdom through the lives of his people, delivering, rebuilding, remaking, marked by signs wonders and miracles following. It is the Lord’s desire that all may see and experience the true Glory and Majesty of Almighty God at work in us all.
Sunday Worship Sermon | August 14, 2022
Shavonne Drummond

Have you ever been overlooked. Insignificant. Unseen. How true that people may forget what we say or do, but they rarely forget how we make them feel. There is something critical for us to learn about looking and seeing both people and God – and God through people.
Sunday Worship Sermon | July 31, 2022
Pastor Courtland Younger

VaNessa Weaver shares a message of hope of the victory we have being a part of team Jesus.
Youth Sunday Worship Sermon | July 17, 2022

Imagine this: the perfect family reunion where you are reunited with everyone you love and the challenges that you face have disappeared. Reunited and it feels so good. Isaiah 25:6-9
Sunday Worship Sermon | July 10, 2022
Pastor Courtland Younger

We should look at at trials as an occasion for joy because of their potential for producing something good in us. Let patience have its perfect work in you.
Sunday Worship Sermon | July 3, 2022
Pastor Courtland Younger


Help Me!
Sunday Worship Sermon | June 26, 2022
Elder Curtis Wade

Father’s Day Service 2022. Special Guest Evangelist Juanita Wheeler.
Sunday Worship Sermon | June 19, 2022

God remains faithful to help us when we need Him in our relationships. So let him teach you how to love and preserve what He has joined together. Matthew 19:6.
Sunday Worship Sermon | June 12, 2022
Pastor Courtland Younger

Sharing from Ephesians 3:14-21, Courtland Younger shares about the power at work within us.
Worship Sermon June 5, 2022

Message by Youth Pastor, Tyrone Weaver Sr. and special presentation recognizing those promoting and graduating.
Worship Sermon | May 29, 2022

A cord of three strands is not easily broken. Tune in as Pastor Courtland shares a message about relationships.
Pastor Courtland shares a message from James 3:1-12 about controlling our tongues.
Sunday Worship Sermon | May 22, 2022

Pastor Courtland shares a message from James 3:1-12 about controlling our tongues.
Sunday Worship Sermon | May 15, 2022

Elder Tyrone Weaver Sr. shares a special Mother’s Day message.
Sunday Worship Sermon | May 8, 2022


We can all be prone to make something in our life to be greater than God. In fact we can take the very things of God and turn them into something God has never intended for it to be. It’s time for a personal examination. What things do we need to bring down out of our minds and hearts in order to have intimacy with God?
Sunday Worship Sermon | May 1, 2022
Courtland Younger

God respected the dominion He granted to man (Adam), but the dominion granted to man can have a negative effect as well as a positive one on us all. We have the power to affect the world around us! So let’s get into a spiritual position that pleases God and brings divine order into our lives.
Sunday Worship Sermon | April 24, 2022
Pastor Courtland Younger

Pastor Courtland shared a message about remembering the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord.
Sunday Worship Sermon | April 17, 2022
Pastor Courtland

We are not what we used to be. Have you ever considered the beginning of your story to where you are now. Sometimes we’re so focused on our problems & areas of weakness that we fail to see the bigger picture of our lives. God has a greater plan for you. In Acts 3, a lame man asked for money and Peter and John invited him to look deeper than his mere external circumstances. It would be the spiritual focus that would transform his circumstances.
Sunday Worship Sermon | April 3, 2022
Courtland Younger

Put everything you have into what God has called you to do.
Elder Curtis Wade | March 27, 2022
Sunday Worship Sermon

God is calling a people to rise up to bring restoration & reform to communities and hope to the hopeless. He’s calling a people to build so that others may see God’s power to restore family, to restore community, and ultimately revive a nation and return to God.
Sunday Worship Sermon | March 20, 2022
Pastor Courtland Younger
Gospel Center’s 52 Church Anniversary

Sunday Worship Sermon | March 13, 2022
Pastor Courtland Younger

There is a progression that leads us to sin and sin carries mindsets that keep you from reconciling your relationship with God and others. We must then understand Satan’s schemes and the tricks used to draw us away from God. Look for God’s exit sign. You do not have to fall to the weight of temptation. God is greater than your struggle. Submit to God, resist the Devil and put Satan to flight.
Sunday Worship Sermon | March 6, 2022
Pastor Courtland Younger

There is a story behind the statement “who touched me?” It’s a story of a woman in great trouble. She is a picture of all people. Her …
1. Desperation to get
2. Deliverance by
3. Declaring her healing
…through Jesus Christ
Sunday Worship Sermon | February 27, 2022
Courtland Younger

What does it look like to empower a generation of believers, how do I fulfill the mandate to go and make disciples of all nations.
Sunday Worship Sermon | February 20, 2022
David Williams

We are no longer bound by sin. You are set free. So many times when God has freed us the enemy tries to draw us back into bondage, but Jesus already paid the price.
Sunday Worship Sermon | February 6, 2022
Courtland Younger

God uses the things we call dead. How are the dead raised? Going through Chrysalis: what happens between the caterpillar and the butterfly.
Sunday Worship Sermon | January 31, 2022
LaKeisha Fuller Davis

Daring Faith believes God when your experience with Him isn’t based on any evidence of things hoped for. As we gain the experience of knowing that He is faithful to His word, we learn to trust Him more. God will not fail you!
Sunday Worship Sermon | January 16, 2022
Pastor Courtland Younger

Pastor Courtland shares a message about the key to kingdom principles.
Sunday Worship Sermon | January 2, 2022
Pastor Courtland Younger

We are to produce spiritual virtues like love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. In that we must know the importance of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The presence of the Holy Spirit produces faith, a fight and fruit. 

Sunday Worship Sermon | December 26, 2021 
Pastor Courtland Younger

Paul said he fought the good fight, he finished his course and he kept the faith. Even some of the greatest leaders in history may have thought about quitting, but they like many of us kept fighting and believing in spite of life’s challenges. Our finish line is ahead of us…so finish your race. 


Sunday Worship Sermon | December 5, 2021
Pastor Courtland Younger

1 Peter 4:8-9 says “Above all, maintain constant love for one another, since love covers a multitude of sins. Be hospitable to one another without complaining.” As children of the Lord to be hospitable is to love like God loves. We are called to be welcoming, to love people beyond ourselves.
Sunday Worship Sermon | November 28, 2021
Pastor Courtland Younger

God used Hosea and Gomer’s relationship to illustrate the fact that Israel, the people in whom he had entered into a sacred covenant, had also broken faith by committing spiritual adultery with false gods. In their story you will see God’s commitment and redeeming love to a people.
Sunday Worship Service | November 21, 2021
Pastor Courtland Younger

Love needs maintenance and as we go through 1 Peter 3, it talks about maintaining these relationships in our marriage, in the church and relationships outside of church. Both husbands and wives must work at modeling the characteristics of an effective marriage relationship. Likewise we should live in harmony with one another in the Lord’s church, seeking to pursue peace compassionately, sympathetically and with humility. We as believers also have a living hope and we have an opportunity to share that hope with those that are non believers.
Sunday Worship Service | November 14, 2021
Pastor Courtland Younger

The Power of Obedience “Truly I tell you,” he said, “unless you turn and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child — this one is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3-4 CSB
Sunday Worship Service | October 31, 2021
Jarryia Davis

There is a strategy of where you speak to your enemy. Psalm 127 says to speak to your enemies in the gate. In other words before they even come onto your property. We have to recognize what we have let in and let God arise and that our enemies are scattered.
Sunday Worship | October 24, 2021
Elder Curtis Wade

Worship at the Park
Sunday Worship | October 17, 2021
Pastor Courtland Younger

Jesus, Help! I’ve got issues.
Sunday Worship | September 26, 2021
Guest Speaker: Pastor Dennis Austin

What are you doing here?
Sunday Worship | September 19, 2021
Guest Speaker: Missionary Tiffany Nelson

God is still there!
Sunday Worship | September 12, 2021
Guest Speaker: Elder Aaron Macklin

I’m anointed for this!
Sunday Worship | September 5, 2021
Guest Speaker: Missionary Deborah Leftridge

On this Baptism Sunday, Pastor Courtland shares a message from John 13 about servanthood. Are you ready to serve the Lord? In order to serve Him we must walk in the spirit of humility and obedience to Him if He is our Lord and Master. As we say yes to the call of the the Lord, we must get our towel and begin to serve and wash feet as Jesus did. Do you have your towel?
Sunday Worship | August 29 2021
Pastor Courtland Younger

Elder Tyrone Weavers shares a message for our children as they return to school.
Sunday Worship | August 22 2021
Elder Tyrone Weaver

It’s going to get better! God is going to use you for His glory. As we allow God to pour into us, He is going to pour out of us. God in His infinite wisdom has chosen to pour His Spirit into cracked and broken vessels. All we need to do is yield to Him.
Sunday Worship | August 15 2021
Guest Speaker: Elder Wade Harper

The context of this passage (Matthew 18:21-35) is Jesus teaching His disciples about the kingdom of heaven. We can take some very important principles from this parable and apply them to our lives today. The one forgiven for much should forgive much. In other words the principle of forgiveness is that grace or forgiveness is without limit. Unforgiveness imprisons you as the forgiver, you that needs to be forgiven, and also those that need to be forgiven.
Sunday Worship | August 8, 2021
Pastor Courtland Younger

When you come to God, He sees you and He sees your need. When was the last time you asked God what gifts He had for you.
Sunday Worship | August 1, 2021
Bryan Diaz

Tune in for a special message from Elder Elton Thomas about the other son in the prodigal son story, and his perspective.
Sunday Worship | July 25, 2021
Elton Thomas

Matthew 13:36-43. While men slept, the enemy came to plant tare amongst the wheat. Satan’s limitations are exposed. His mission is to kill, steal and destroy. Men were sleeping, vulnerable to attack, yet he couldn’t destroy the integrity of the wheat (you). He could only plant imposters around you. He couldn’t stop the wheat from being wheat so what is being tested is the integrity of the seed. The enemy comes to sow things into our lives, to rob us and devalue the harvest or in other words devalue who you are in Christ Jesus. He desires to rob us of the things that make us stronger, mighter, fuller and richer. And knowing he’s trying to attack you should let you know you have value. But the attack isn’t directed towards you, He’s using your life to attack God. There’s a war going on and your caught in the middle of it, but you’re coming out of this. You’ll outlast the distractions and pain the enemy has caused, and get back everything that was stolen.
Sunday Worship | July 18, 2021
Pastor Courtland Younger

Despite what you have done, God has enough grace for your disgrace.
Sunday Worship | July 11, 2021
Pastor Courtland Younger

Pastor Courtland shared a message from Jude 1: 3; 20-25
There’s still time!
Jude intended to write about the great salvation that believers shared but he had to adjust his message because false teachers had infiltrated the church. He wanted these troublemakers to be identified by their false teaching and false living. It is of great importance that believers learn to distinguish truth from error. Ultimately Jude wants believers to contend, to stand and fight for kingdom truth and holy kingdom living.
Food for thought: If your son finished sixth grade and said I’m done with school, you’d probably point out that no matter what he has learned so far, it’s insufficient to carry him through to the end of his life successfully. “Keep growing and learning in the truth” – Pastor Courtland
Don’t be a static Christian, but grow. There’s still time! Fight for the faith. God is able to keep you and build you up in spite of false teaching around us. 
Sunday Worship | July 4, 2021
Pastor Courtland Younger

Pastor Courtland shares Principle #8 – Recycling My Pain

Summary Of Recovery:  The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12)

REALIZE I’m not God; I admit I am powerless to control my tendency to do the wrong thing and my life is unmanageable

EARNESTLY believe that God exists, that I matter to Him, and that He has the power to help me recover

CONSCIOUSLY choose to commit all my life and will to Christ’s care and control

OPENLY examine and confess my faults to myself, to God, and to someone I trust

VOLUNTARILY submit to every change God wants to make in my life and humbly ask Him to remove my character defects

EVALUATE all my relationships; offer forgiveness to those who have hurt me and make amends for harm I’ve done to others except when to do so would harm them or others

RESERVE a daily time with God for self-examination, Bible reading, and prayer in order to know God and His will for my life and to gain the power to do it

YIELD myself to God to be used to bring the good News to others by both my example and my words



  1. He’s given me a FREE WILL  (Deuteronomy 1:2-27)
  2. To get my ATTENTION (Proverbs 20:30; 2 Corinthians 7:9)
  3. To teach me to DEPEND ON HIM (2 Corinthians 1:8-10; Psalm 119:71)
  4. To give me A MINISTRY TO OTHERS (2 Corinthians 1:4; Genesis 50:20)


HOW TO USE MY PAIN TO HELP OTHERS (1 Peter 3:15; Galatians 6:1-2)

Suggestions (1 Thessalonians 2:3-12)
  2. BE REAL

Maintaining Momentum

Pastor Courtland shares Principle #7 – Maintaining Momentum. Reserve a daily time with God.

“RELAPSE” – falling back into a self-defeating pattern

How it happens:

  1. Complacency
  2. Confusion
  3. Compromise
  4. Catastrophe


  1. Reverting to willpower (Galatians 3:3; Zechariah 4:6)
  2. Ignoring one of the steps (Galatians 5:7)
  3. Trying to recover without support (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10; Hebrews 10:25)
  4. Becoming prideful (Proverbs 16:18; 1 Corinthians 10:12)




Reserve a DAILY TIME with God for self-examination, Bible reading, and prayer in order to know God and His will for my life and gain THE POWER to do it. (Mark 14:38)

  1. EVALUATION (2 Corinthians 13:5; Lamentations 3:40)


What to Evaluate:





            “SLOWING DOWN long enough to hear God. (Psalm 1:1-3; Psalm 115:11)

  1. PRAYER (Matthew 6:8-13)

Repairing Relationships

Pastor Courtland shares Principle #6 – Evaluate all my relationships. Offer forgiveness to those who’ve hurt me and make amends for harm I’ve done to others except when to do so would harm them or others.



1. Because GOD HAS FORGIVEN ME (Colossians 3:13)

2. Because RESENTMENT DOESN’T WORK (Job 5:2; Job 18:4; Job 21:23-25)

3. Because I NEED FORGIVENESS (Mark 11:25)


1. REVEAL my hurt “Make a list of those who’ve harmed me and what they said… thought…did.

2. RELEASE my offender (Mark 18:21-22) // “Empty chair” technique

3. REPLACE my hurt with God’s peace (Colossians 3:15)



“Watch out that no bitterness takes root among you, for as it springs up it causes deep trouble hurting many in their spiritual lives. Hebrews 12:15 (LB)


1. Make a list of those I’ve harmed and what I did

Debts? Broken promises? Over controlling? Over possessive? Hypercritical? Abusive verbally? Emotionally? Physically? Forgetting? Unfaithful? Lying?

2. Think how I’d want others to make amends to me (Luke 6:31)

  • The right TIME (Ecclesiastes 8:6)
  • The right PLACE (Ephesians 4:15)
  • Is it APPROPRIATE? (Proverbs 12:18)

3. Refocus my life (Job 11:13-16) 


Making Changes

Pastor Courtland shares Principle #5 – Voluntarily submit to every change God wants to make in my life and humbly ask him to remove my Character Defects.


  • My Chromosomes – Genetics explain predisposition but don’t excuse sin!
  • My Circumstances – Character defects are often attempts to fill unmet needs.
  • My Choices – Character defects are often positive qualities being misused.



1.  Because I’ve had them so long
2.  Because I identify with them
3.  Because they have a payoff
4.  Because Satan discourages me



“…Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2

1.  Focus on changing one defect at a time (Proverbs 17:24)
2.  Focus on victory one day at a time (Matthew 6:11; Matthew 6:34)
3.  Focus on God’s power not my willpower (Jeremiah 12:23; Philippians 4:13)
4.  Focus on what I want, not what I don’t want (Philippians 4:8)
5.  Focus on doing good, not feeling good (Galatians 5:16)
6.  Focus on people who help me, not hinder me. (Proverbs 27:1)
7.  Focus on progress not perfection (Philippians 1:6)

Coming Clean
Pastor Courtland shares Principle #4 – Openly examine and confess my faults to myself, to God, and to someone I trust.
Click Here for Full Notes
1.  Guilt destroys my CONFIDENCE
2.  Guilt damages my RELATIONSHIPS
3.  Guilt keeps me STUCK IN THE PAST
1.  Take a personal MORAL INVENTORY (Lamentations 3:40; Psalm 138:23-24)  
2.  Accept RESPONSIBILITY FOR MY FAULTS (Proverbs 20:27; 1 John 1:8)  
3.  Ask GOD FOR FORGIVENESS (1 John 1:9; Isaiah 1:19)  
4.  Admit my faults TO ANOTHER PERSON (James 5:16)
5.  Accept God’s forgiveness and FORGIVE MYSELF (Romans 3:23-24; Romans  8:1)

Letting Go

Pastor Courtland shares Principle #3 – Consciously choose to commit all my life and will to Christ’s care and control.  Join as we look at the hang-ups that typically keep us from surrendering our lives to God.

1. PRIDE: I don’t want to admit I need help (Proverbs 18:12)
2. GUILT:  I’m ashamed to ask God for help (Psalm 40:12)
3. FEAR:  I’m afraid of what I’d have to give up (Mark 8:36)
4. WORRY:  I confuse the decision phase with the problem-solving phase (Philippians 1:8)
5. DOUBT:  My faith seems so small  (Matthew 17:20)
1. I accept GOD’S SON as my Savior (Acts 16:31)
2. I accept GOD’S WORD as my Standard (2 Timothy 3:16)
3. I accept GOD’S WILL as my Strategy (Psalm 40:8)
4. I accept GOD’S POWER as my Strength (Philippians 4:13)



Where to Get Help When You Hurt


Where to get help when you hurt is the second sermon in this 8 part series. 

Pastor Courtland shares Principle #2 – Earnestly believe that God exists, that I matter to Him, and that He has the power to help me recover. (Hebrews 11:6) God uses three things to get our attention: CrisisConfrontation, and Catastrophe.

1. Acknowledge God’s Existence  (Romans 1:20)
2. Understand God’s Character 
(Colossians 1:15-17; Psalm 103:13-14)

CR_Coming Clean

Here are three things about God’s character that will help you recover: 1) God knows all about your situation; 2) God cares about your situation; and 3) God can change you and your situation. (Ephesians 1:20)


3. Accept God’s Offer to Help  (2 Timothy 1:7; Philippians 2:13)



The First Step to Freedom
In the first sermon in this 8 part series Pastor Courtland shares Principle #1 – Realize I’m NOT God. I admit I am powerless to control my tendency to do wrong things and my life is unmanageable. The CAUSE is that we want to be God. We try to control our image, other people, our problems, and our pain. The CONSEQUENCES of trying to control our lives are fear, frustration, fatigue, and failure. There is a CURE! We must admit that we’re powerless to change our past…powerless to control other people…and powerless to cope with our harmful choices.

You will live and not die! In Ezekiel 37, The Lord asked Ezekiel can these bones live? Ezekiel response was – God you know – and then he responded to the word. Ezekiel said what God said. All we need to do is respond the word. Your deliverance is buried in what God has said. God has already spoken. You belong to Him and He is able to restore and renew – to bring dead things to life. He has power to set you free. Is anything impossible for God? Activate your faith and prophecy over the dry bones in your life and allow the Lord to breathe life into those dead places. Do you hear sound of dry bones rattling? Do you hear the chains falling? You are no longer bound. Come to Jesus, just as you are.

The resurrection of Christ is a call to intimacy with Him. There is no work that you can do that qualifies you to be in the family of God…but it’s by faith and grace in the precious blood of Jesus Christ. And when we mess up, we come back and get it right with the Father.

Elder Wade shares a message “The Power of the Vision”. Who has written the vision for your life?

The compassion of God sees you, His eye is on you. He is moving in your direction, He is moving on your behalf. Pull on Him; your faith will make you whole.

Have you even been in a mess? Have you ever been stuck? In this message of hope VaNessa Weaver shares about “The Good Way”.